What is Synthetic Resin Adhesive?
Most people respond to resin in its natural state from many plants. It there serves as a layer of protection and defence for the particular tree. This viscous liquid is now produced synthetically for the building and construction industry, mostly to be used in paints and adhesives. This has tremendous bonding and solidifying functionalities.
Epoxy resin is one of the most important amongst these synthetics. It is strong, waterproof, and resistant to chemicals for wood and flooring industries. These epoxies can be used to make adhesives, plastics and used for coating. However, it is to be noted that the quality of adhesive resins is often questioned because of the formation of certain agglomerates that get too polymerized during the production process, especially the filtration procedure.
So let’s further get into the factors that have to be considered when you filter these resins.
The consistency of the resin solution can be affected by high viscosity,mega-sized contaminants, and various impurities coming from raw materials such as fossil sources. This can result in agglomerates which further affect the resin consistency. Maintain strict temperature control during the entire filtration process is crucial, thus. A horizontal plate filter is very widely used in the filter process to filter chemical liquids such as resins on an industrial scale. This reduces the viscosity of the resin and removes opaque contaminants, ensuring the high quality of the end product.
One point to be noted is, that natural resins can only be dissolved in organic solvents such as turpentine oil.
Synthetic resins, in the industrial sector, serve as a reactive intermediate for the production of thermosetting plastics and are comprised in paints and adhesives. They can also be modified by natural substances, as an example would be vegetable or animal oils or natural kinds of resins.
Now we talk about impurities in resins. These need to be filtered out. These can be over-polymerized or over-condensed particles that are visible in the resins as `fish eyes`, real gels or as fine vapour.
Sometimes impurities come in with the particular raw materials being used, such as rosin in phenolic resins which are modified. Temperatures have to be increased to reduce viscosity, during the filtering procedure, be the resin in a solid or liquid state. However, it is to be noted that the filtration temperature set by the solubility of opacifying contaminants is limited in nature. If this optimum temperature is exceeded the liquid which has been filtered will be clear at the filtering maintained temperature but will become foggy or cloudy when it cools.
Horizontal plate filters as mentioned below will be the best filtering option. These have round horizontal positioned filter plates which are inserted in a vessel called the pressure vessel. This is a closed design and leakage losses are minimized even with very thin or volatile kinds of substances and the work is safe, even with toxic or inflammable substances.
The main advantages of the aforesaid plates are:
- Filteration temperatures of up to 175 degree C
- A stable cake produced, no premature dropping of the filtered residue.
- There are interruptions on the filtration and the pressure
- Fluctuations or changes do not affect the cake, making it possible to filter multiple batches without much cleaning
- There is the use of economical filtering materials
- And last, of all, there is no product loss due to residual volume filtration without any additional filters.
So this was a brief on the synthetic adhesive resins and the processes that they go through before being used.